“Federal Project No. 2,” Topic.com, 2018
An online project for which artists were commissioned to respond to the Federal Arts Program of the 1930s. Artists were selected in all media and throughout the US, in collaboration with visuals editor, Caroline Smith. (Image © Damon Davis)
“The Flood: Refugees and Representation,” International Center of Photography, 2017
Part of “Perpetual Revolution: The Image and Social Change,” co-curated with Kalia Brooks, Carol Squiers, Clartje van Dijk, Cynthia Young, Quito Ziegler. Mounted partly as a response to the crises on the Mediterranean, The Flood addressed the image of the refuge in networked space, and pointed to tropes of representation that flatten our ability to contend with their experience.
"Divided States," Lianzhou Foto Festival, Lianzhou China, 2017
A presentation of a group of diverse American artists launched during the fractious time of the Trump administration. Including artists Alia Ali, Josh Begley, Bayeté Ross Smith (pictured), Wendell White.
This exhibition, and others in the Festival that year were censored by the provincial officials.
"Expanded Geographies," Lianzhou Foto Festival, Lianzhou China, 2015.
Organized with curator Christopher Phillips. Artists included Alejandro Cartegena, Joseph Desler Costa, Dru Donovan, Pablo Lopez, Mary Mattingly, Gideon Mendel, Guy Tillim, Ka-Man Tse, Hannah Whitaker, Pinar Yolacan, Yang Weng Preston (pictured.)
"Advanced Master Re-mix," Baxter Street at CCNY, New York, 2015
An exhibition of the 2015 ICP-Bard MFA cohort: Esther Boesche, Stephanie Colgan, Joseph Desler Costa, Marie Louise Omme, Kat Shannon, Marisa Sottos, Daniel Terna, Beau Torres, Jessica Thalmann, Kimberly J. Wade, Tracie Williams
ICP’s Triennial: A Different Kind of Order (with Carol Squiers, Christopher Phillips, Kristen Lubben) ICP Museum, New York, 2013
New Yorker interview here.
"Ecotopia: The Second ICP Triennial" (with Curators Brian Wallis, Carol Squiers, and Christopher Phillips) ICP Museum, New York, 2006
"Between Past and Future: New Photography and Video from China" (with Curator Christopher Phillips) ICP Museum and the Asia Society, New York, 2004.
"Strangers: The First ICP Triennial" (with Curators Brian Wallis, Carol Squiers, Edward Earle and Christopher Phillips) ICP Museum, New York, 2003
Research Assistant, "The Rise of the Modern World," with curator Susan Kismaric, Dept. of Photography, Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2000